Himachal Pradesh achieved statehood on January 25th, 1971 and some districts were reorganised vide the Government Notification No. 3-32/71- GAC dated August 29th, 1972. The number of Districts thus became twelve and it paved way for minor modifications here and there from time to time to suit the needs of the State, its people and the Government functioning. Himachal Pradesh is one of the classic examples of rapid transformation from feudalism to democracy.

Timing And Working Days Of State Archives

  • Timing and Working Days ofState Archives: Himachal State Archives functions six days in a week i.e. Monday to Saturday from 10:00 A.M.to 5:00 P.M except for all Sundays, second Saturdays, gazetted holidays, holidays by the Government of Himachal Pradesh from time to time.
  •  Fee:- Presently no entry fee or record consultation fee is charged from bonafide research scholars/individuals/visitors/ representatives of public and private offices etc.
  •  Photocopy:-Photocopying facility is provided by the State Archives and fee is charged as per market rate.
  • Access to Public Records: -Access to Public Records in H.P. State Archive is regulated by the provisions of H.P. Public Records Act, 2006 and the Rules made thereunder in the year 2008.

A Note On The Holdings In The Repositories’ Of State Archives PUBLIC / PRIVATE RECORD HOLDINGS

Precious Possessions Of State Archives

 (A) PublicRecords
Sr. No. Name of the Department (Series/Branch wise) Chronological Range (Inclusive Years) Bulk (Total No. of files/Volumes
 accessioned approximately)
1. Municipal Corporation , Shimla 1873 to 1954 2058
2. Copies of record reg. Foreign Secret- Political Department, N.A.I., Delhi 1811 to 1950 0333
3. Punjab  Hill  States Agency, H.P. Secretariat,  Shimla 1863 to 1948 1979
4. D.C. Bilaspur 1955 to 1972 0168
5. D.C.  Kangra, Dharamshala 1850 to 1972 1411
6. D.C.  Mandi 1935 to 1950 447
7. D.C.  Chamba 1913 to 1966 0667
8 Pb. Government Gazetteers 1850 to 1950 0646 B Vol. Under Repair
9 Punjab Government Gazette  ( M.C Shimla ) 1913 to 1969 729
10 Minutes of  Proceedings from M.C. Shimla 1872 to 1949 50 minutes/Proceedings
11 Records received from Revenue Deptt. Mandi 1912 to 1948 38 bastas In Tankri
12 District  Board, Kangra 1854 to 1972 1038 files
13 Government Secretariat, Shimla( lot no. 1) 1948 to 1962 965 files
14. D.C. Mandi 1949 to 1973 193 files
15 Rare books from Punjab State Archives. 1881 to 1924 406 books
16. Rare books from Rampur Bushahr 1875 to 1935 500
17 Record from Nahan 23311 cases Urdu
18 D.C. Kullu,  Settlement files 1841 to 1953 50 files
19 H.P. Secretariat(lot no. 2) 1950 to 1962 238
20 Books in H.P. State Archives Library 1196
21. M.C. Shimla, Town Hall , Gaiety files 251
22 State  Election Commission 009
23. Rare books transferred  from State Gazetteers department 236
24 Census Reports 1951-2001 93
25 Gazetteers from different State/U.T./Misc. 427

(B) Private Paper

Sr. No Name of the Collection From whom acquired Chronological Range (Inclusive years) Total No of Papers Brief Description
1 Bhakra Dam Files Received from Sh. S.C. Katoch, Former Chairman, HPSEB Ltd. 1952 to 1961 022  Important  correspondence  related to Bhakra Dam